Friday, October 28, 2005

Day 1.5 - 2

The plane trip was pretty good and I can recommend Malaysian Airlines international flights for their nice service and nat bad entertainment system.

My seating was in the middle of a row of 5 but luckily I had 3 empty seats to curl up into to try and sleep. Alas as I was one row behind the bulkhead I had all the families with babies in front of me (the airline cots fit into the larger legroom) and so sleep was a disrupted affair as the wails of various small children during the night woke me. Which is slightly ironic as there is the family tale that on our plane trip immigrating to Australia I woke up a famous war correspondent whose name escapes me (the Vietnam war was in full swing at that time) by squealing in an airport lounge...well I see some symmetry there anyway :)

I watched 2 movies inflight, The Longest Yard and Mr and Mrs Smith, both were passable as light entertainment. Sleep totalled about 2 hours.

Best landing EVER in Kuala Lumpur with zero bumpage. It was raining and misty and dark being about 4:30am. Rode the Aerotrain between terminals and took a series of pictures to get a hang of the camera. Managed to steal another hour of sleep on the transit seats.


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