Day 1 - Sydney Airport
Well I am going to bodgy this up a bit and post under the dates and times that things actually happened rather than at the time I write it...if it all gets too hard you'll just have to take it as it comes :)
Going through customs turned into a highlight with an asian woman at the xray machine complaining loudly " you make me upset!" to the customs guys. I won the lucky door prize and was pulled aside for a random explosives check. As I was chatting with the customs guy about food in Vietnam the woman finished her ranting and stalked up the fairly steep slope to the departure gates. I was found to be explosive free and followed up the slope, just in time to be confronted by a luggage cart coming at me full pelt. The Asian lady had decided to take the customs agent out using the luggage cart of death (not seen since WWII!).
Doing my bbest Lara Croft impression I spun deftly out of its way and grabbed it as it went past, so saving the customs agent from certain DOOM! Of course they screamed for security in a customs agent sort of way. I chose that discretion was the better part of valour and disappeared into the ladies toilet rather than get further involved. Last time I saw teh Asian lady she was surrounded by a scrum of security and customs agents, I fear for her orifices.