800 Pictures Later
And I have posted some of my favourites on this blog in cut down sizes. I have also posted some of my other favourites here at the best quality for viewing on PCs (they are actually much bigger than this!). [Notice: I have just been notified that the hosting for these has a daily bandwidth limit. If you cannot access them today try again tomorrow]. Each are around 1 meg so they may take a while to load if you are looking at these from somewhere with limited bandwidth. I have not named them so it is a lucky dip what you get, though they are in chronological order.
Below is one of my very very favourites taken from the deck of a boat in Halong Bay. Crap quality by blogger there but click on it for the better version. All pictures can be clicked on in this blog for the hosted versions (most cases better quality).
Thankyou to everyone who has read this (hey some comments would be great!) and I hope it is inspiring to those of you who have dreamed of going to Vietnam.
Venus and Moon At Sunset
All pictures and words are copyrighted. Please contact me for permission before using, or linking to, any of them.