Saturday, October 29, 2005

Day 3 - Last Hours in Saigon

The thought of steamboat dinner at the Rex for $10USD was tempting but the waiting staff seemed in a hurry to move us off so we moved round the corner to Miss Saigon which had a good write up in Lonely Planet for its seafood. Like all Lonely Planet things, the prices go up when all of that international exposure brings in more tourists.

We ordered salt + pepper fried prawns and spinach and oyster sauce. The kitchen staff, that could be seen through the servery window, were undressed from the waist up (the heat and humidity was stifling)and we hoped that they were dressed on the bits we couldn't see.

The prawns were awesome but also tortuous as they had been cooked with garlic and chilli. I had to order a Tiger beer to cool my burning mouth. Dinner all up was 208,000VND with half a kilo of prawns costing 140,000VND spinach 40,000 and the beer was 18, a 10% service charge.

The clouds that had rolled in while we were at the Rex began to put on a lightning and thunder show and so we grabbed a cab back to the Le Le (13,000). After getting the pictures burned from my memory card (20,000VDN...that's like $1.85!) we spent time at the internet cafe sheltering from the impending storm that never happened. Alas as I had feared quite a few pictures are blurred due to my shaky hands.


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